The Bay Bridge, California


Aerial View of San Francisco and the bay.

Aerial view of San Francisco and the bay. The city’s two amazing bridges are visible in this photo. In the upper portion is the Bay Bridge. The Golden Gate Bridge can be seen at bottom center. (CC BY 2.0 image, ©2015 Dennis Jarvis)


Bay Bridge Towers
The Bay Bridge, with its huge towers, is painted silver. (CC BY 2.0, ©2011 Clotee Pridgen Allochuku)


The Bay Bridge, western part. The roadway up top was originally for passenger automobiles only. Below, on the lower deck, was the roadway for trucks and electric trains. It was converted to only automobile and truck traffic in 1958 with the discontinuation of the rail service. (CC BY-SA 3.0 image, ©2013 ChristianSchd)